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Title Silver-mounted hunting sword
Nationality German
Period c 1790
Price £400.00

This hanger is almost certainly of German origin, probably the Oels family of Brunswick (the hereditary dukes) because of the presence of the gold 'O' featured in four places on the mounts. An unusual feature is the ovoid pommel, similar to that of a smallsword of the period.

This type of hanger would have been used on a boar or stag hunt for finishing off the wounded beast at the end of the hunt. There is sadly no scabbard, but the blade (21" long x 1.25" wide at the forte) has its original seating (viz the red cloth seating at the forte of the blade and a neatly peened tang at the pommel). The grip is ebony, pinned in three places with silver rivets, with some minor age splits to the ebony.

Altogether a high quality weapon, if quite plain.

If you want to comment on this item—re quality, age, etc—please email me.

[Edged Weapons : Swords : German : 18th Century]


Chris, got the buckle thanks and what a beauty, posted it on the forum already (war relics forum) I mod the buckle forum I have put a thanks to you on there with your site title so might drum up a bit of business for you :)

B E, UK, 13.12.2011

Swords mattered [arrived?]. I am very content. You still have which good swords for the sale?

H K, Germany, 17.10.2005
