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Title Heavy Cavalry officer's dress sword, 1796 pattern
Nationality British
Period c 1800
Price £500.00

This is an Austrian pattern, which was adopted by the British army in 1796 as a dress sword for Heavy Cavalry general officers and militia units. It would have been used throughout the Peninsula War and at Waterloo and beyond until about 1820 or so.

This is a plain double-edged (with a single fuller of just over 10") blade (31.5" long) with minor scattered surface rust throughout, the bulk of which has been cleaned off. The wiring on the hilt has been replaced for the top 8 mm with what would appear to be fuse wire, as the copper is showing through the silver finish. The rest of the wiring is contemporary period silver service. All the gilding on the hilt has gone, but it does not appear to have been taken out for cleaning at any stage. The scabbard has had the bottom bracelet replaced, no doubt when the scabbard may have been broken through rough treatment at some stage, perhaps in the field. Contrary to normal practice, the scabbard rings are solid rather than split rings. This may indicate replacement elements. The scabbard throat is in copper, another slightly unusual feature. The scabbard has been extensively sanded to remove rust or whatever. However, having said all this, it is an honest if rather battered sword.

If you want to comment on this item—re quality, age, etc—please email me.

[Edged Weapons : Swords : British : 19th Century]


Today I received your flag. It's very nice and looks genuine to me. Beautifull crisp colors! It looks barely used. It's a nice addition to my ww2 collection. I would even say, one of my top pieces.

Thanks for your excellent service and top communication!

I will check your site more often to see if you have more nice pieces.

R D, The Netherlands, 21.04.2018

Just to let you know that the kukri arrived today safe and sound, many thanks for sending it so quickly. I'm more than pleased with this kukri, I'm so glad I spotted it on your website as I don't think I've ever seen another one like it for sale anywhere.

Once again many thanks and I hope to do business with you again in the future.

D D, UK, 11.10.2014
