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Title Small pistol lock
Nationality English
Period c 1750
Price £90.00

This little lock (just under 10cm long) is representative of a typical mid-18th century handgun lock and, in all probability, would have been carried by an officer or gentleman for personal defence. There are no maker's marks or other indications of origin and this could just possibly be French rather than English.

It is a little bit on the scruffy side. The top jaw and screw have been replaced, somewhere in the 20th century, I suspect. The action works, but the bents of the tumbler are somewhat worn and the sear only holds on full cock. A small matter of adjustment with a needle file would probably sort this out. The screw threads on the lock are still in good order and, apart from the replacement top jaw and screw, everything else is original.

If you want to comment on this item—re quality, age, etc—please email me.

[Firearms : Flintlock Pistols : British : 18th Century]


The sword came in untouched [pristine] condiotion. Thank you very much. I am looking forward to next time.

P S, Czech Republic, 23.09.2013

Just a quick note to let you know that my bayonet arrived safely today. Many thanks for the speedy delivery and overall excellent service! For its age this bayonet is in fantastic condition.

I will mark your website as a 'favourite'...

S P, UK, 23.01.2012
